Hi everyone, long time no see. September was pretty eventful. I had a birthday and also lost my job. Let’s talk about it!
The end is in sight! I’m nearly finished inking. Coloring is going to take up October and then hopefully, it’ll be out of my hands.
With any luck and a lot of determination, Fast Break will be turned in and before we know it, it’ll be on your shelves. October is going to be a really busy and I really hope I can keep up. I’m gonna make it so that I can keep up.
A lot of other stuff is on hold until I finish Fast Break. I’m comic-ing is quickly as I can!
I’m on a hiatus from my work at Mukpuddy. There’s just nothing for me to do there right now so I’m a bit out at sea. It’s definitely something that I’m not entirely used to. I’ve been fired before, laid off, and quit jobs, but never just had to leave because there are no more projects. I know it’s very common in this industry and I’m fortunate to have worked for as long as I had. It’s just a new feeling.
Mostly this means that I have to figure out how to keep afloat in one of the most expensive cities in the world until January. I’m on the lookout for some work and I have some savings, but yeah, lots of it’s gonna be working on my book deals.
I’m also working hard on my visa to be able to stay with my partner in NZ. Scratch that, my partner is working harder on my visa and I’m doing my best to get everything I can together. I love her so much!
Another trip around the sun and I’m thirty-one. Typically I wouldn’t say I like to make a big stink of my birthday because of some past bad experiences, but this year was really nice. My amazing girlfriend made sure of it. I had an amazing time with her at Weta Unleashed here in Auckland and we went to The Cave for dinner (and I still dream of that kumara).

Oh… I guess that’s it. Check out the comic I made!
I’m hoping that October will have a few more posts. I’ve got plenty of ideas but much less energy than I used to.
I want to do a 24 Hour Comic soon but work has become a lot since I stopped working at Mukpuddy. It really never stops lol.
BADJELLY should be on its way to screens near you soon! See what Animation Magazine has to say here!
That’s about all I got. I’m trying my best to transition to full-time freelance. It’s been freeing but also challenging because now I have to make my own routines and trying hard to finish the projects that I’ve got (or at least make good progress). I was also supposed to go back to the states to visit and attend my brother’s wedding. But that was going to be too expensive and we couldn’t make it happen.
Have a good one!